Rwanda Coffee

 Rwanda is the 22nd largest producer of coffee in the world with an annual production of approximately 250,000 (in 60kg bags)

The most common varietals are Red Bourbon, French Mission Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai and Mibirizi

The key regions in Rwanda where coffee is mostly grown is West Province along Lake Kivu, North, South and the East Province. Coffee harvesting is done between March – June.

Most coffee is grown by the 400,000+ smallholders, who own less than a quarter of a hectare.The 1994 genocide and its aftermath led to a complete collapse of coffee exports but the incredible commitment and passion of the Rwandan people is evident in the way that the economy have recovered since then. Modern Rwanda is considered one of the most stable countries in Africa. Since 2003, its economy has grown by 7-8% per year.

SCE’s Affiliation with Rwanda

Rwanda Baho Coffee owns six washing stations run by Emmanuel Rusatiro and his family. With full dedication and love for his coffee, he has been experimenting with washed, naturals and honeys since 2017. We are a proud direct trade partner with Mr. Emmanuel and his team and the quality to his craft is evident in every cup that you will taste.

A farm worker turning coffee on a Baho drying bed.

Our Flagship Coffees

Rwanda Baho Coffee

  • Altitude 1550 – 1900m
  • Process: Fully washed, Natural
  • Harvest: April to June
  • Varietal: Red Bourbon
  • Certified Direct Trade
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